Saturday, September 16, 2006

Easy Way To Upload Files Up To Your Server

The easyest answer to question: "How to I can upload files to server?" Is - File Handler Component, written by Chris Partridge.

(You can find fresh version of this component at Code Snippet)

Just one moment! Do not use

$html->file ('UserFile');

Because construction

$_FILES['data[User][File]'] doesn't work (PHP 4.1.* at least).

So use standart html code:

<input type="file" name="userfile">



Remember, You must creating directory at your webroot ;-)

With 777 access ;-)



* File Handler Component
* Author: Chris Partridge
* License: MIT
* Release Date: 09/03/2006
* Version: 1.0
* Revision: 2
* Description: This class is designed to be extended for
* a specific purpouse. However, it can act
* as a file repository component "out of the box".
class FileHandlerComponent extends Object
Probably the most important variable, this determines how the
file is handled within the component.
There are two options, db and array.
This will use the dbModel and dbFields variables to save the
file data to the database. When getLastUploadInfo() is requested,
it will return the id aswell as all the other information.
A specific table and model need to be created for this to work.
When saved, it will be placed in $dir/$file_id/$filename
(e.g 'files/25/')
This will take the uploaded file and store it. When getLastUploadInfo()
is run, it will return all information related to the file.
The information will be returned in the format of the dbFields array.
The unique directory name will be appended to the dir variable.
When saved, it will be placed in $dir/$unique_id/$filename
(e.g 'files/a438sdu4s/')
If you wish to save information about array uploads, you must
do so manually with the return data from getLastUploadInfo()
var $handlerType = 'array';
You can specify a different model to store the file
upload information. You need to create the correct model
file and database table for this to work correctly.
var $dbModel = 'FileUpload';
You can modify the array key values below, if you
want/have to change the field names in your database.
var $dbFields = array( 'dir' => 'dir', // The directory the file was uploaded to
'file_name' => 'file_name', // The file name it was saved with
'mime_type' => 'mime_type', // The mime type of the file
'file_size' => 'file_size', // The size of the file
This array stores all allowed mime types, a mime type
determines the type of file.
The specified mime types below should be safe for uploads,
however the compressed formats could be a touch unsafe.
var $allowedMime = array( 'image/jpeg', // images
'application/pdf', // pdf
'text/plain', // text
'application/msword', // word
'application/mspowerpoint', // powerpoint
'application/x-msexcel', // excel
'application/x-compressed', // compressed files
This variable stores the maximum allowed file
size(in kilobytes) for uploaded files.
Please note that this can also be limited on the form
and by php itself. Default is 3584(3.5 MB).
var $maxFileSize = 3584;
These variables are used to store information about
errors or/information that needs to be stored while
using this component.
Do not modify these.
var $errorMessage = null;
var $isError = false;
var $lastUploadData;
Initiates the database model
and runs the parent constructor.
function __construct()
if(!in_array($this->handlerType, array('db','array')))
$this->setError('The specified handler type is invalid.');
if($this->handlerType == 'db')
$this->setError('The specified database model does not exist.');
$this->{$this->dbModel} = &new $this->dbModel;
if(!is_subclass_of($this->{$this->dbModel}, 'AppModel'))
$this->setError('The specified database model is not a cake database model.');

Returns the id of the last
uploaded file if using db
handler type.
function getLastUploadInfo()
$this->setError('No upload detected.');
return $this->lastUploadData;
function getMime($file)
if (!function_exists('mime_content_type'))
return system(trim('file -bi ' . escapeshellarg ($file)));
return mime_content_type($file);

Passed a form field and dir,
the class will check and attempt
to upload the file.
If uploaded, the details are stored
and the id is returned.
function upload($field, $dir)
// Check that the two method variables are set
if(empty($field) || empty($dir))
$this->setError('You must supply a file field name and a directory on the server.');
return false;
// Check that the upload file field exists
$this->setError('No file supplied.');
return false;
// Check that the file upload was not errornous
if($_FILES[$field]['error'] != 0)
case 1:
$this->setError('The file is too large (server).');
case 2:
$this->setError('The file is too large (form).');
case 3:
$this->setError('The file was only partially uploaded.');
case 4:
$this->setError('No file was uploaded.');
case 5:
$this->setError('The servers temporary folder is missing.');
case 6:
$this->setError('Failed to write to the temporary folder.');
return false;
// Check that the supplied dir ends with a DS
if($dir[(strlen($dir)-1)] != DS)
$dir .= DS;

// Check that the given dir is writable
if(!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir))
$this->setError('The supplied upload directory does not exist or is not writable.');
return false;
// Check that the file is of a legal mime type
if(!in_array($_FILES[$field]['type'], $this->allowedMime))
$this->setError('The file upload is of an illegal mime type.');
return false;
// Check that the file is smaller than the maximum filesize.
if((filesize($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])/1024) > $this->maxFileSize)
$this->setError('The file is too large (application).');
return false;
// Get the mime type for the file
$mime_type = $_FILES[$field]['type'];

// Update the database is using db
if($this->handlerType == 'db')
// Create database update array
$file_details = array($this->dbModel => array( $this->dbFields['dir'] => $dir,
$this->dbFields['file_name'] => basename($_FILES[$field]['name']),
$this->dbFields['mime_type'] => $file_type,
$this->dbFields['file_size'] => (filesize($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])/1024)
// Update database, set error on failure
$this->setError('There was a database error');
return false;
// Get the database id
$file_id = $this->{$this->dbModel}->getLastInsertId();
$dir = $dir . $file_id . DS;
// Generate dir name if using handler type of array
if($this->handlerType == 'array')

$dir = $dir . uniqid('') . DS;
// Create a folder for the file, on failure delete db record and set error
// Remove db record if using db
if($this->handlerType == 'db')
// Set the error and return false
$this->setError('The folder for the file upload could not be created.');
return false;
// Move the uploaded file to the new directory
if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $dir . basename($_FILES[$field]['name'])))
// Remove db record if using db
if($this->handlerType == 'db')
// Set the error and return false
$this->setError('The uploaded file could not be moved to the created directory');
return false;
// Set the data for the lastUploadData variable
$this->lastUploadData = array( 'dir' => $dir,
'file_name' => basename($_FILES[$field]['name']),
'mime_type' => $mime_type,
'file_size' => (filesize($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])/1024)
// Add the id if using db
if($this->handlerType == 'db')
$this->_lastUploadData['id'] = $file_id;
// Return true
return true;
Set the errorMessage and isError
function setError($error)
$this->isError = true;
$this->errorMessage = $error;


Blogger X said...

have you tried:


it should work.

Nice component, i'll try it. Thanks.

6:07 AM  
Blogger Владислав said...

2Dardo: Thanks! You comment I'll add to my notepad! thank you ;-)

2:23 PM  
Blogger Ali DHIBI said...

Thx for the Job! i will put it in my new application.


7:41 AM  
Blogger Eran Smith said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:19 AM  

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